Joseph Glymph


Unlock Your Potential with a Top-Quality Violin Teacher in Chicago

Private Violin Lessons Tailored for Junior High and Senior High School Students

Are you in search of a private violin teacher with professional experience and an undeniable passion for music? Your search ends here with Joseph Glymph, a renowned violinist, and the founder of The Classical Symphony Orchestra and The Protégé Philharmonic, distinguished youth orchestras in Chicago.

Unveiling a Unique Teaching Approach

Joseph Glymph's teaching transcends tradition, backed by an extensive background in teaching and performing globally. As a former Concertmaster and faculty member, he aims to cultivate technical mastery, musical expression, and a profound love for the art form. His customized learning experience caters to the needs of junior and senior high school students already familiar with the violin.

Refine Your Technique, Enhance Your Musicality, and Excel in Auditions

Beyond the violin, Joseph Glymph understands the instrument's role in classical music. Whether refining technique, enhancing musicality, or preparing for auditions, his guidance and support propel students toward their full potential.

Experience the Joseph Glymph Difference

Learning with Joseph Glymph is an enriching musical journey fostering personal growth, reflecting in transformative progress for his students.

Convenient Location

Located in the Northwest Mayfair neighborhood of Chicago, Joseph Glymph conducts lessons in a welcoming atmosphere, providing a convenient and accessible setting for students.

Past Success Stories

Joseph Glymph's past students include professional musicians, and college and high school teachers, showcasing his impact on diverse musical paths.

Ready to Begin?

Contact Joseph Glymph today to schedule your first private violin lesson. Embark on a remarkable journey, elevate your skills, and ignite your passion for the violin under the guidance of a top-tier teacher in Chicago. Call or text (773) 218-1943.


Hired 2 times
1 employee
54 years in business
Serves Chicago , IL

Payment methods

Cash, Zelle

Social media


Do you own a violin?

Student who has an instrument

Years experience

2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience

Able to read music

Student can read music

Lesson length

60 minutes

Student's age

11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old

Instrument interested in


Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    dan W.

    Joe is literally the best technical violin teacher. If you want to learn violin at a high technical level, Joe is your go to. He also teaches conducting. I am able to play some of the most tech iCarly challenging violin pieces proficiently because of Joe. Do not underestimate his prowess as a teacher and performer. If you need to become technically proficient for violin/viola/cello auditions, go to Joe.
    ... Show more
    February 29, 2024


    john L.

    Mr. Glymph was my violin instructor and orchestra director between 2007 and 2013. The importance he has played on my life transcends into existential territory as it was his teachings that allowed me to achieve my dreams in life on top of rapidly improving in violin performance. His smart practice method that relies on deliberate and methodical micro improvements, bound together with repetition and consistency is essentially a guidebook to becoming a professional in any field and separating yourself from the masses.
    I had taken violin lessons for roughly ten years when I met Mr. Glymph as a teenager, and the amount of improvement I made in the first two years with him was probably one hundred-fold without exaggeration. His teaching style is not for everyone, but the sky is the limit if you are serious about music and want to genuinely improve.
    I eventually made a personal decision to not major in music, and Mr. Glymph was supportive as any mentor should be. I do believe that had I continued to pursue music using his methods I would have had a good career as well.
    Mr. Glymph is both an incredible violin teacher and a genuine mentor. He is strict but also understanding. Asking him if he could teach me at the Suzuki summer program in 2006-7 was easily one of the best decisions Ive made in my life, and when I write a reflection or something in the coming years, his legacy will live on in that piece.
    John L.
    ... Show more
    February 14, 2024


    maria C.

    Mr. Glymph is a dedicated and experienced violin teacher, who will not only give you the tools you need to improve, but encourage a passionate love for music. Over the years, he has taught all of my three daughters violin. Out of all the teachers we have had, he has been, and continues to be, by far the most detailed, comprehensive, and effective teacher. He has a thorough lesson plan for wherever you are in your violin journey with intensive learning systems for scales, etude, pieces etc. He also supplements his lessons with CDs and DVDs about violin/musicianship. All of this comes at a reasonable price. My daughters have improved tremendously with him. We are very happy with Mr. Glymph, and if you practice, you will be too!
    ... Show more
    November 05, 2023


    michael j G.

    Mr. Glymph was charismatic in his teaching and devoted to making sure that you learn things the proper way. He was very knowledgable, he knew the styles and techniques that allowed you to become a great violinist. His knowledge and experience as a violinist, gave him the necessary tools to be able to demonstrate those same styles and bowing techniques and give examples himself on the violin. He made sure you understood the fundamentals in music theory and the structure of what you were working on, whether it was a concerto, an etude or a scales exercise. Lessons were interesting and he kept you motivated. During his lessons you knew that he not only cared about the material being taught but you knew he wanted you to succeed. Mr. Glymph was not only your teacher but he was your friend. Its been over 20 years since our first lesson together and I can honestly say that he has taught me so much about music, the art of violin playing as well as given my guidance, taught me structure and helped shape me in becoming the person I am today, Thank you Mr. G.
    ... Show more
    October 13, 2023


    madeline S.

    Mr. Glymphs teaching improved my technical base a huge amount. After taking lessons with Mr. G I went to college ready to tackle orchestral music on my own and excel in my private lessons. He is a kind but strict teacher who has high expectations for his students but also cares about them deeply.
    ... Show more
    October 02, 2023


    jan B.

    Mr. Glymph was one of the most important teachers in my life. He transformed my playing. His systematic approach got me from being a clueless young player to a thoughtful calculating musician. After working with Mr Glymph for nearly ten years I became a confident violin player and I had the tools necessary to play any music on the violin. Mr Glymph became more than a teacher, he became a mentor and a father figure. Through our time together, he guided me to follow my passion for the violin and study in college. Following Mr Glymphs footsteps, I myself became an orchestra director in 2005. I only hope I can inspire and train my students as well as Mr. Glymph trained me. If you are serious about improving your playing, I highly recommend violin lessons with Mr Glymph.
    ... Show more
    October 01, 2023

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