Elegant Dancing Studio

Elegant Dancing Studio



Group Classe, Privates , social & competitive dancing. The only studio in Northern Va with 3 Parties a week...Floating floor.. World Class Competitive coaches in both International & American styles. Beginners and Wedding couples are more than Welcome!

We are all about our clients, creating a welcoming environment and catering to each individual's needs.

I have been a teacher and coach of dance for over 26 years. Dance is my first Love.

I Live my passion everyday. I love the fact that I can create confidence for my students.

i am proud to say that I can help others feel determination, happiness, and a physical change that can change their outlook on life.


18 employees
Serves Alexandria , VA

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Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

We create the experience each student wants with certified instructors that assess your abilities and desires. 

Services offered
