Jermaine Parks

Jermaine Parks



I think my service stands out, with my excitement for the student as he or she gets better, also my methods with the way I teach, is progressive. I make sure you are good at what we are working on before we move on to that next level.

What I enjoy about this is the passing down of information. To see the athlete grow as a player and person. When I started I was horrible, but with alot of work grew to love and respect the game, and became good at the thw game. Baseball is a tough game, unlike some other sports you do not have to be tall or the fastest on the field, baseball is a thinking mans or womens game mix with some strength and ability, and I want to develop that within each player.


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Gilbert , AZ

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle

Social media


Athletes position(s)

Outfield, Infield, Pitcher, Catcher

Years experience

No experience, 1 – 2 years, 2 – 5 years, 5 – 7 years, 7+ years

Athlete's age

11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old

Photos and videos

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    Frequently asked questions

    My process for working with new students, is to evaluate the student objectively and subjectively to see their current skill set and what they can improve on.

    I have played at every level of baseball, I have played high school baseball and I also have played college baseball. I'm currently seeking a degree in Athletic Training and hope to be complete by 2022. I'm currently playing in a Arizona baseball league age groups 18+.

    30$ for 30 minutes

    45$ for 1 Hour

    80$ for 2 Hour

    + 10$ per additional student

    Accually someone suggested that I should give private lessions and I thought it would be a good I idea. I do not have children of my own so I would like to pass the skills I have learned to someone else.

    I have worked with young children as young as 7 and teenagers as old as 19.

    I would tell the student to express to the teacher what you want out of the the expirence what goals you may have the you want to accomplish, what the end game is for yourself.

    Services offered
