My service stands out because it is one of a kind.The workouts/training session will be created and tailored to YOUR specific fitness goal!The best part is that it doesn't matter if you're a beginner, advanced, expert . I've been an athlete my whole life playing sports like soccer, swimming, cross country, track and field. Not only that but I am also in the process of getting my BA in kiniesiology from, SDSU and my Strength and conditioning certificate from NASM.
What i enjoy the most is when my clients realize that all the hard working is paying off. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients grow phisically and mentally. And last but not least I enjoy seeing my clients happy and enjoying themselves throught out the sessions. I enjoy the work I do because being physically active is my passion and i enjoy my self doing it. I always tell myself "what good is the knowlede you've accqured from school and from playing sports if you don't share it and apply it with those around you in order to help them grow.
Payment methods
Athlete's age
Years experience
Photos and videos