I'm passionate about teaching and want to help my students reach their goals and dreams. You have one - on - one time with me to ask me any of your questions that you have. We will start with the basics of exposure and lighting and move on to composition and post-production. I have a full studio set up here for you to practice what you are learning as well as one acre of outside portrait park to shoot in. I offer single classes as well as package pricing if you want to work on several things. Just ask and I'll figure out the best package that suits you!
Based in Citrus Heights, California, Diana has been photographing Business and Corporate Portraits, Family Portraits and Weddings since 1993. Her passion for photography began as a child in Pennsylvania after receiving her first camera when she was just 10 years old. By the time her first roll of BW film was developed, she had already decided she would be a photographer. Diana studied photography in high school, developed her prints in the darkroom and planned on attending the Art Institute in Pittsburgh. However, she was discouraged from pursuing photography as a career, being told over and over, “Photographers are a dime a dozen. You’ll never make any money being a photographer!” So, being that her favorite show on TV was “Emergency”, she went to Plan B and joined the local volunteer fire department and a graduated from the Fire Academy in Pittsburgh, PA. After working as an EMT/Firefighter, Diana went on to become a registered nurse (RN).
During her 15 years working in the hospital, Diana continued to pursue her love of photography, as well as taking as many photography classes as possible. From working in Orthopedics in Pittsburgh, she eventually relocated to California with her husband and joined the Trauma unit at UCDavis Medical Center. Eventually, she transferred to the NICU, working with premature babies, which she loved. After having a baby girl and boy of her own and juggling her nursing career with being a new mom and running a part-time photography business, Diana stepped out on her own and opened her home studio full-time. By 2003, she moved to a larger house with a separate studio apartment - just perfect to run her business from! Her location is set on an acre with a creek, oak trees and old stone steps, which work wonderfully for her children and family portraiture.
In 2004 when Diana was President of the Professional Photographers of Sacramento Valley, she started a program called "Little Blessings" where volunteer photographers go to UCDavis Children’s Hospital or home and provide free family portraiture for chronic and terminally ill babies and children. They now have about 25 volunteer photographers that are on call when a need arises at area hospitals.
Today, Diana Miller Photography is a highly-regarded studio in Northern CA. She is very active in the community, teaches classes at her studio, enjoys networking and social media and volunteers her services at many charity events in the Sacramento area.
Photos and videos