YBL - Coach Markco Medina
I’m Coach Markco Medina
with YBL.
I am a Sports Fitness/Soccer Coach.
I have 15yrs of Soccer experience (2 yrs Collegiate) with 2 yrs total coaching experience
YBL Soccer.
Building kids into young men and young women showing Boldness, Passion, and Character through the soccer pitch.
My Specialties/Focuses:
- Fitness/Speed/Acceleration
- Touch Active/Inactive
- Spatial Awareness
- Decision making
I love, coach, and play soccer because you express who you are as an individual, ON and OFF THE FIELD.
My goal is to help players build their tools to play at 100% physically and mentally.
Sports are clear examples of life situations.
I coach soccer players but I also coach people, meaning character is just as, if not more important than skill.
So as I teach integrity with a soccer ball, the character and skill of the player grows.