Ellen Burr Flute And Improvisation Lessons

Ellen Burr Flute And Improvisation Lessons

5.0(4 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


I have been teaching flute to students of all ages for over half my life. I began teaching shortly after I began studying, so my approach is one of discovery. I have also studied many different philosophies of learning and I adjust how I explain things to the way the individual student learns.

I love seeing the "aha" moment in the student's eye. I enjoy teaching my students how to practice, how to see patterns and listen more deeply. I pride myself on helping students efficiently prepare for competitions, auditions, school tests and concerts.


Hired 2 times
1 employee
35 years in business
Serves Los Angeles , CA
Offers online services

Payment methods

Cash, Check, Venmo, Zelle

Social media


Students age

10 - 13 years old, 14 - 17 years old, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older

Student experience

No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 - 2 yrs of formal training, 2 - 4 yrs of formal training, 4+ yrs of formal training

Able to read music

Student can read music, Student cannot read music

Musical styles

I can recommend a genre, Rock, Blues, Classical, Jazz, Folk

Student has instrument

Students who have an instrument, Students who plan to buy an instrument, but don't have one yet

Lesson length

45 minutes, 60 minutes


0 reviews


Kay K.

Ive been taking lessons from Ellen for almost two years. She is just the best! She is not only an incredibly talented musician, but she really knows how to teach and is loads of fun. She teaches on many different levels…emotional, physical, spiritual…and she is open to teaching what the student wants/needs. I feel incredibly lucky to be studying with her; she is truly world class.
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November 25, 2016


Laura K.

Luck, flukiness and a bit of research converged, enabling us to find Ellen 7 years ago. Keeping her through the years as my daughters flute teacher has, however, been a very intentional process. Ellen is a brilliant musician, a meant-to-teach teacher, a creative soul who seeks to understand each student in order to help equip them with the skills needed to be better musicians.
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November 22, 2016


Kenneth L.

I am a saxophone and clarinet player and I went to Ellen to really learn how to play the flute. No Do-it-Yourself, no Youtube, I was going to make a full commitment. I ended up studying with Ellen for 10 years. Although I was primarily a jazz and musicals player, Ellen patiently lead me through the great flute literature, and showed me how this work made one a flute player and musician who could play with control and beauty. And then there was the improvisation. Ellen has written her own book of improvisation skills and led many outstanding ensembles and workshops. She teaches you how listen to other players, how to appreciate open space, and how to play with total abandon. I could have easily spent a lifetime learning from Ellen. I recommend her without reservation for the serious student who wants to live a life of music and flute playing.
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November 22, 2016


Shirin R.

From the moment you showed us the metal “spring garden” in your studio backyard, Daniel and I fell in love with your brilliant sense of humor and energetic teaching methods. You are so respectful to your students and to music fundamentals. Yet, you manage to be quite creative and delightfully experimental in your teaching and music making. Thanks a million for instilling in Daniel the love of music making. As an undergraduate math major and music minor at UC Berkeley, He writes orchestral pieces, participates in the woodwind ensemble, and teaches a course that he designed called Game Music Analysis.
... Show more
September 06, 2016

Frequently asked questions

I have studied different learning modalities and personality types.  I listen to the student play, find out what their goals and aspirations are and work with them to come up with realistic goals.  I assign a combination of solos, duets, etudes, technical exercises for tone, articulation, breath control, expression. I have taught everything from classical to rock to musicals including Klezmer & Bollywood. I make sure that the student is enjoying what they are playing and seeing results so that they become self motivated.

I have a Bachelor in flute performance and a Masters in music composition.  I have taken masterclasses with some of the flute greats including Jean-Pierre Rampal, Michel Debost and William Bennett.  I also have studied jazz improvisation.  I am endorsed by Yamaha Musical Instruments.

At my studio apt. in Hancock Park, CA; and at a home in east Santa Monica: 45 minute lessons are $75; hour lessons are $100. (I do not offer 30 min. lessons, as I feel they are not very productive.)

If I travel to your house add another $20-$40 depending upon location.

I started teaching when I was a high school junior, 16 years old and section leader of the top band.  A girl from the lower band wanted help with her audition to get into the top band. When we were done, she offered me some money.  I asked, "what are you doing?" She replied, "you just gave me a lesson." I told her it was my first lesson I ever gave, so she could pay me if she came back for another.

Every type of student from age 6 - 80.  I used to teach recorder to the young ones.  However, now I only work with ten year olds and older on flute and piccolo only. I have taught doublers, beginners (adult and kids) retired and returning flutists.

Services offered
