T-Kick Martial Arts Academy
T-Kick Martial Arts Academy, founded in 2019 and located in Broomfield, Colorado, offers a range of martial arts training for families. From traditional Taekwon Do to Cardio Kickboxing and Self-Defense, they focus on fun fitness, confidence, and discipline. Their programs cater to everyone from age three upwards. The academy, led by the experienced Mr. Parker, aims to instill the values of a Black Belt in life to their students. They are conveniently located for residents of Broomfield, Superior, and Westminster, CO.
Student age(s)
Adult (over 18), Senior (over 55)
Number of students
One person, Two people, A group of 3 – 5 people, A group of 6 – 10+ people
Any previous experience
Students with previous experience, Students without previous experience
Type of training
Type of firearm
Handgun / pistol
Reason for training
Training as a hobby or personal interest, Training to be educated and feel more comfortable around firearms, Training necessary for employment
Own a firearm
Student who own the firearm that he/she want to learn with
Photos and videos
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Services offered
Mixed Martial Arts
Knife Skills
Gun Safety