My greatest passion has always been motorsports and safely operating within that environment. I grew up around road course (grand prix) racing starting out pit crewing and safety marshalling where in 2013 i began instructing for competition licensing and High performance drivers. I take pride in assisting others inside and outside of motorsports become safer and more comfortable, i find that although racing and driving on the street normally are quite different, there are similair methods to go about our days in a safer manner such as a hightened sense of situational awareness or even just more decisive actions. I have spent over a decade learning as well as working around high performance driving schools/ events. I am still under 30 and remember what it can be like driving to work etc. when new to having a license. I hope to assist however i possibly can whether teaching to drive stick shift, freeway driving comfortability, or even going to a racetrack as your personal instructor if you have the "need for speed" and would like to safely navigate on track. I look forward to hearing how i can assist you.
I have worked with clubs like SCCA, NASA (National Autosport Association) and RMVR.
Skip Barber
RMVR Spring HPDE (High performance driving experience)
I grew up around motorsports and am involved in it with my Father as we have rebuilt a vintage championship Rotary Rx7 together to race small time. driving, working on, or even just being around cars has always been home for me whatever state i am in. over the years i have got to learn alot working my way up as i wasnt born into it or with money to just jump right in. I love having the opportunity to find other's passion and help them grow because of all of the individuals that did that for me. instructing basics or technical driving for me is more than just a job, its a dream job when you do what you are passionate about.
Photos and videos