We offer one on one training with students and finish the class when everyone feels they have a great understanding of the materials taught.
Knowing the students walk away knowing and understanding the responsiblity of carrying concealed. Many do not think about the aftermath and the effect it can have mentally, morally and financially. My class gives them a better understanding.
Clients age
Coaching topic
Previous coaching experience
Photos and videos

Scott V.
Mercedes D.
Daniel M.
Rick K.
Frequently asked questions
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
NRA basic pistol instuctor
NRA CCW instuctor
NRA Range Safety Officer
USCCA Certified instructor
Advances CCW classes training as a student
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
For my four hour CCW class the cost is $65.00 a person or $110.00 for a couple
Basic pistol class cost $170.00 plus range fees
NRA CCW Class cost $79.00 a person or $142.00 a couple plus range fees.
SIRT Training two hour Class cost $45.00 per person
How did you get started teaching?
I went to the range with my brother (an ex-cop) and my aunt asked to join us. She tells us she has been carrying for two years. We quickly found that she had no concept for safety and didn't even know how to load ammo into her magazine.
I knew then I wanted to make sure that others walk away with an understanding of their gun of choice and the safety rules to keep that person and those around safe.
What types of students have you worked with?
For the CCW Classes you must be at least 21 years old and the oldest was 71 years old.
Basic pistol students come in all ages with most having never handled a gun before.
SIRT Training Class is mostly women who are working their way up to handling and shooting a firearm. This class is also for men.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Ask questions, there are many insturctors who became certified, started teaching classes but has never bothered to continue their training by joining other classes.
The instructor is only as good as his training.