American Music School
American Music School, located in Lakewood and Denver, Colorado, is dedicated to building community through music. Offering both private instruction and group classes for a wide range of instruments including piano, cello, viola, and more, they cater to all ages and interests. The school's experienced teachers are committed to enriching the lives of their diverse community through the arts in a supportive and family-oriented atmosphere. First lessons are free, making it easy for aspiring musical performers to start their journey.
Students age
Younger than 6 years old, 6 - 9 years old, 10 - 13 years old, 14 - 17 years old, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older
Student experience
No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 - 2 yrs of formal training, 2 - 4 yrs of formal training, 4+ yrs of formal training
Able to read music
Student can read music, Student cannot read music
Musical styles
I can recommend a genre, Rock, Blues, Classical, Jazz, Folk, Country
Student has instrument
Students who have an instrument, Students who plan to buy an instrument, but don't have one yet
Lesson length
30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes
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