My name is Coach Carlos… I have a Basketball Academy in the city of Coral Springs fl his name is HARD BASKETBALL TRAINING our academy is in charge of training the skills of the boys and girls players… I have experience with NBA D1 Hight school players, professional players, I have Jr NBA, USA Basketball, FIBA Basketball certificates... In my Academy groups of children train and we also do personalized training to observe our training you can enter our
website : hardbasketballtraining.com
instagram: hardbasketballtraining
Facebook: hardbasketballtraining
Athlete's age
Years experience
Skills to improve
Photos and videos

Magaly M.
Ivan D.
Jeff L.
Frequently asked questions
¿Cómo empezaste a enseñar?
I started teaching since I was 20 years old, helping players in my community and step by step I was leveling up.
¿Con qué tipo de estudiantes trabajaste?
I have worked with children from school even with players who play University Basketball.
Describe un evento reciente que te gusta.
Right before the summer Nike Basketball organizes tournaments. High level just like the AAU league are very flashy.
¿Qué consejo le darías a un estudiante que busca contratar un maestro en tu área de experiencia?
My advice is that the player should feel comfortable with what he is. COACH explains to him how as a player he should know that he is improving by feeling him. I think the most important thing is the trust that must exist between them.
¿Qué preguntas deberían pensar los estudiantes antes de hablar con los maestros sobre sus necesidades?
Questions take as ... How can I help my team? How can I improve my behavior in my game? Am I capable of doing better things? Am I able to help my colleagues? Can I reach the highest level?