Songbirds Music, Art, & Dance Center
Songbirds Music, Art, & Dance Center, founded in 2017, is a family-owned, women-led institution located in Oviedo, Florida. The center provides high-quality education in music, art, and dance, catering to individuals of all levels and disciplines. It offers private music lessons for a wide range of instruments. With qualified and passionate instructors, the center aims to foster growth in artists, enabling them to excel in their craft. It's more than just a school - it's a community where artists come together to learn, collaborate, and grow.
Students age
Younger than 6 years old, 6 - 9 years old, 10 - 13 years old, 14 - 17 years old, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older
Student experience
No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 - 2 yrs of formal training, 2 - 4 yrs of formal training, 4+ yrs of formal training
Able to read music
Student can read music, Student cannot read music
Musical styles
I can recommend a genre, Rock, Blues, Classical, Jazz, Folk, Country
Student has instrument
Students who have an instrument, Students who plan to buy an instrument, but don't have one yet
Lesson length
30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes
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Services offered
Bass Guitar
Music Theory
Brass Lessons