St Petersburg Yoga

St Petersburg Yoga

5.0Exceptional(12 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


For over 30 years, we have been helping our clients move towards better living.

For our team, this means working with brain, body and life at the same time - when one area is off, the whole human starts to lose balance. A holistic approach is necessary to move beyond temporary fixes and towards long-term wellbeing, presence and purpose.

** We offer free 15-minute consult calls to make sure that we're a right fit.

** We work with our clients online through Zoom. Work with us no matter where you are. We do in-person sessions with some local clients.

** Ofrecemos servicios en español.



• Slowing down the racing mind

• Reducing tension, stress and anxiety

• Building awareness of your deep-seated patterns of action and thought

• Implementing in-the-moment protocols for recognizing your triggers and interrupting your automated responses, creating space for alternative choices

• Gaining clarity and focus

• Making a deeper connection to your authentic Self, awakening to your own insight and wisdom


• Self-mastery. We want to help you become a master of self-assessment (what you need and what is truly balancing for you) so that you can respond appropriately moment-to-moment.

• Addressing injury and pain FIRST. We help you discover and address the foundational causes of pain: tightness and lack of range of motion, side-to-side muscular imbalances, lack of joint space and weakness in supportive muscles. We guide you towards the type of movement that will help you move away from pain and injury, as well as what to avoid.

• Helping Body and Brain work together. We steer you towards the type of movement that will support your brain re-engineering efforts. And we help you recognize the type of physical activity that can exacerbate those habitual tendencies that are no longer serving you.

• Making your Body a priority in all areas of your Life. Caring for our bodies doesn’t just happen when we’re working out. Sustainable wellbeing is about paying attention to our body needs in the office, at home, in the car, on vacation, everywhere.


We work with clients who are...

• Figuring out career next steps (educational goals, employment loss, career shifts, etc.)

• Navigating relationship difficulties (uncoupling or divorce, longstanding relational pitfalls that continue to show up, etc.)

• Facing loss and transitions (loss of a loved one, retirement, empty nest, pre and post-natal, etc.)

• Working to discover their authentic passions and connect more deeply with their genuine self.

Together we work on:

• Training your capacity for stillness and inward attention. It’s common to look outside of ourselves for the answers. The knowing and confidence for the major decisions lies within each of us, and it requires developing our skills for quieting the ambient noise in our brains.

• Honest yet compassionate self-reflection. The process of holding the mirror up to ourselves – seeing the defective narratives and self-sabotaging behaviors that we have been governed by – is a humbling process. We provide frameworks and support in this process of self-discovery.

• Steering the small and big wheels simultaneously. Big change is the accumulation of small adjustments implemented patiently and consistently. We help you paint the larger vision and stay on track with the smaller steps that will inch you in that direction.

Being able to witness the transformation in our clients is what drives our passion.

Seeing someone work through debilitating back pain or a recurrent injury.

Accompanying a client on discovering the ways that harsh self-criticism is holding them back at work and in their relationships, and gradually start to redesign that internal script.

Walking with a client through the loss of a loved one or a major life change, and supporting them in keeping a balanced perspective that allows them to be present with their feelings (versus numb or avoid them), respond consciously (versus react on auto-piloty), and find opportunities for growth.


Hired 2 times
4 employees
Serves St. Petersburg , FL
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Paypal, Stripe



Customers who want to meet one time only, Customers who want to meet weekly, Customers who want to meet monthly, Customers who are open to coaches suggestions

Clients age

Under 18, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older

Coaching topic

Career, Relationships, Positive habits, Stress management, Spirituality

Previous coaching experience

Clients with no previous coaching experience, Clients with some previous coaching experience

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Sara F.

    St. Petersburg Yoga has been great! I have just started my journey with them, but already have been given tools that have been very helpful for handling my stress and anxiety. The instructors are very good listeners and have been very understanding. These are people who truly care.
    ... Show more
    August 16, 2021
    Hired on Lessons


    Erin C.

    The instructor was great. Great instructions, calm demeanor, reassured us that pain was not the goal. I have been to many yoga studios where the instructor is condescending and complementary only of the most advanced students. I appreciated St. Petersburg Yoga’s approach!
    ... Show more
    June 11, 2021


    Laurie G.

    My daughter Daria is taking Kid Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays and she just loves her and the practice. I also can take restorative at the same time. I wish I had practiced yoga when my other girls were younger,(not that I have given up on them coming with me), but this is really a special experience for both of us. Learning to balance the mind, body, and spirit can never happen to soon in our lives.
    ... Show more
    June 11, 2021


    Donna J.

    I love this place. I consistently have high blood pressure but after coming to the Restorative classes my blood pressure was 114/ over 68. It has not been that low in 40 years! I want everyone to know there’s more reasons to come here than they might think about.
    ... Show more
    June 11, 2021


    T. L.

    My mobility and spirit improves on a weekly basis because I am attending classes at St. Petersburg Yoga. The mental impact has been pure free-flowing bliss, hope for mobile longevity with this 60-year-young body, and so much gratitude for support from the best trained yoga professionals in the Tampa Bay Area. I’ve learned so much about how my body is unique in my practice of yoga. I’ve learned how to use props to keep me more comfortable during the practice which helps me do a position ‘my way’ and avoid injury. Just as important, I’ve learned to find my “edge” and not cross it, ignoring how everyone else is doing nearby. It has worked fantastically! In my first 3 months at SPY I have gotten a chronic knee problem under control by focusing on Restorative / Therapeutic practices. Whenever I got discouraged I found compassion and encouragement that has helped to reshape my perception of the mind body connection. My knee has recovered to the point where I’ve recently been able to add the Classic / Fundamentals class because my core now feels ready for it. Joy Joy and more Joy… & lifelong thanks to Chris and his dedicated team!
    ... Show more
    June 11, 2021


    Linda F.

    Your studio has come to be an important part of my life. I don’t even want to imagine what my life would be like without it. In the year since I’ve been coming regularly to classes and workshops my strength, flexibility and balance have improved markedly. I’m so grateful to the excellent teaching and office staff for their skill and compassion.
    ... Show more
    June 11, 2021

    Frequently asked questions

    Because there is no one-size fits-all formula for wellness, we want to start off with helping you identify the stuff that needs attention in your life right now - back pain; recovering from an injury; chronic stress or anxiety; facing a big change like retirement, childbirth or divorce; or trying to get better sleep are just some examples.

    From there, our next step is to guide you toward the most beneficial and potent therapeutic practices for you. We help you discover the balancing practices for you within a wide set of possibilities: physical practices, mindfulness exercises, guided meditation, breathing techniques, mantra training, partnered self-inquiry, recreation of brain pathways, and others.

    All of our Mind-Body-Life Specialists are experienced, 500-hour Yoga Alliance-registered instructors.

    One-hour coaching session: $70 Ten sessions: $650 ($50 savings!) 

    We offer a free 15-minute consultation to all potential clients to discuss your needs, our services and answer any initial questions you might have. Each client is different and we adapt to your particular needs and realities. Some clients meet with us twice per week, others once per week, others potentially once per month. We will collaborate with you on creating a coaching plan that is manageable, but still keeps you on track with your intentions and goals.

    All of our Mind-Body-Life Specialists are motivated by their own first-hand experience with self-discovery, healing and transformation.

    Our founder, Chris Acosta (E-RYT 500), began a daily movement and mindfulness practice almost 30 years ago - while in a full-body brace (for 4 years and 23 hours a day) - to first heal his extreme scoliosis. The degree of scoliosis consisted of two curvatures with the largest at almost 50 degrees, multiple herniated discs, pinched nerves and spinal arthritis.

    As a triathlete, distance runner, and general over-achiever, Jill Voorhis' (E-RYT 500) focus is on athletic longevity: using her practice to manage injuries and over-training tendencies, so she can stay in the game. Her over-doing habits didn't just show up in her physical activity. She started to recognize them in other areas of life, and how they were connected to inflamed states in body and mind, and to her auto-immune disorder.

    Heather Siegel's (E-RYT 500) has been motivated by her own experience with scoliosis, as well as a hard-pushing lifestyle. She found herself overwhelmed in a high-stress life of perfectionism and self-bullying that were driving ongoing cycles of anxiety and depression.

    With a background in social services and public health, Ligia Gómez (RYT 500) found herself struggling with increasingly serious gastrointestinal issues, as she bounced between over-extending and complete burn-out.

    We have worked with clients from their teenage years into their 90s, and with a variety of circumstances and conditions. These are just some examples:

    Back pain, disc disorders, scoliosis, sciatica

    Anxiety, panic attacks

    Work-life balance, high levels of stress

    Pre, post-natal

    Arthritis, fibromyalgia, auto-immune disorders

    Body dysmorphia, eating disorders


    Headaches, migraines

    Injury rehabilitation, chronic physical pain


    Obsessive-compulsive disorder




    Life transitions

    Services offered

    Life Coaching