RAO Music Productions stands out from the rest by truly transforming your individual experience by gathering everything you know and have discovered on your own and using this knowledge to give you a personal learning experience. As both a student and a teacher, it's important to observe all aspects of everything from every angle. This way the student can also teach the teacher in how they absorb new information in a way that best suits them. We're going to explore a whole new side of music every time we jump into a lesson! From passed down concepts for generations, to new and constantly improving techniques based on you, the student, is capable of doing, learning, and accomplishing starting from what you already know and moving forward into what YOU wish to learn. This way you can grow into your instrument and ability doing exactly what you wish to do with your new and improving talent. Form yourself, shape yourself. Make your music the way you want to and the way you hear it! Or learn the notes and chords necessary to perform various other artists' songs that you wish to learn for your own personal pleasure, and take this knowledge to further your ability and teach yourself new music! The only limitation that stands between you and your ability to learn is how you plan to approach each lesson life gives you. Be open minded, be yourself! Become the artist you've always dreamed of. Or improve on your creative ability with insight from a dedicated instructor who's only interest is seeing you become the best version of you possible! You can do this!
I am motivated and inspired to teach and learn with those who are passionate about their craft! Let's make a difference 🤙
Photos and videos

orlando V.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
What do you know? Great! Let's work off that and we'll move forward from there. Also, you tell me what you're interested in learning, and I'll help you get there with everything I can personally teach you. Here are the many platforms I've used now and in the past for when I need them... Remember, there are no limits with what you can do. Only you can prevent yourself from improving.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Been gigging for years from festivals to venues, coffee shops, bars, street busking... Jammed with thousands of individuals, hundreds of different bands. Well over a dedade of musical study from reading books to YouTube, and well over two decades of discovering new sounds since my childhood days with the radio, to recent times on Pandora, Spotify, SoundCloud, ReverbNation, YouTube & more! Also experience live streaming for thousands of viewers on Twitch and YouTube.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Pricing will be discussed upon arrival and may vary based on each individuals needs, distance of travel, and accomidations for personal funding. No age restriction, no instruments necessary. All equipment can and will be supplied.
How did you get started teaching?
My burning passion for teaching & learning new things myself comes from my love for inspiring and motivating others to do what they love most in life! Before I played music I was always so busy caught up in life and sports and other hobbies I enjoy. After learning I can play music, this made me realize anyone who says, "I've always wanted to learn to play but don't know how..." Can do it too! It's all a matter of patience and taking on the task with determination. Stay inspired! Do what you love.
What types of students have you worked with?
All ages, young and old, experienced players from intermediate to beginners, and even pro players!
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
My wife and I just got back from the annual Daytona Live MainStreet Original Music & Art Festival. She's an artist and I support her work as she does mine. We both enjoy meeting new people and hearing new music! Great times as always each year these festivals come around!
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Find a teacher whom you feel you can bond with like a close friend. You want to be inspired to learn! Not feel forced like a job. Learning music is something you want to feel motivated and enthusiastic about! Your teacher should make this experience for you as personal for you as your favorite drink!
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
What does music mean to you and why do you wish to learn?