Coach Z Training

Coach Z Training

5.0(2 reviews)


I'm a very experienced basketball player. I'm a super energy guy and I bring that same fire into my workouts. Each kid must bring it when we step on the court.

Building relationships. A lot of my best friends I've gain due to the game of basketball. Also seeing kids reach goals is also something very cool to me


Hired 2 times
1 employee
5 years in business

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Isaac b.

    Him pushing me and being an overall good person and coach
    ... Show more
    April 08, 2021


    Shiva A.

    Great guy, doesn’t care about the money. Wants what’s best for the kids. Truly cares about you. Will do whatever it takes. Screams at you out of love
    ... Show more
    April 08, 2021

    Frequently asked questions

    I put my new student in a basic workout to get a idea of where the student is at and what we need to focus on 

    I've been playing basketball my entire life. I've played on very high level besides the NBA. High level high school basketball at mt Zion, D1 at the university of northern Arizona full ride. After graduating I played 6 season overseas in 8 different countries 

    Depending on the drive. I'm very flexible. I train 35 per session, but I would prefer to do package trainings. 325 a month 4 trainings per week and I'd also invite the student to my aau practice depending on the age bracket. 

    I recently retired 8 months ago and I've just been building my brand and using my resources to help these kids get to where they deserve to be

    I've worked with High level professional basketball players/ college students and very elite high school and middle school talent. I love working with kids who are new to the game as well. I love the challenge of helping a kid become better on and off the court. 

    I have a travel team by the name of FL express and we are always playing in elite events so I'd say that 

    I would say get with someone who played the game at a high level. You only win when you get with EX pro guys I believe, we've been In the fire and know exactly what it takes to succeed in life and on the basketball court.

    Every question is a great question, but for me it's the coming into the training session and getting better. 

    Services offered
