About Robert
Professional Photographer for over 30 years of experience. I am considered by many, to be a master at my trade and regarded as a true "digital artist." I have mentored other professional photographers in the art of lighting and posing techniques. I am a truly passionate photographer with an eye for beauty, and capturing cherished moments in life.
Some of my achievements include:
SPI Instructor Were I teach lighting posing
Founding Member, Past Officer, and current Board Member of
Tampa Area Professional Photographers Association (TAPPA)
Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) by
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Since 1998
• Florida Education Degree for Photography (FED)
• Florida Degree of Professional Excellence (FDPE)
• Internationally Published
(Goldwell Magazine, Focus Magazine, Inspire Quarterly, Luxury
Home Magazine, Digital Capture Magazine)
• Former Canon Freelancer for Canon Camera Corp.
I enjoy all aspects of photography be it portrait , wildlife, landscape and product.
Photos and videos