



I'm a retired veteran who loves training people about gun safety. I would like to make your performance and safety with a weapon (either pistol or rifle) better or if you're just looking for a fun day at the range and learn some tactical shooting drills I'm your instructor.


6 years in business
Serves Lexington , KY

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    Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    Find out exactly what they're looking for and help them achieve their goals based on their needs

    Combat engineer in the military and then went to special forces assessment selection. After that I was a contractor for many years for United States government and private organizations. I'm an NRA certified handgun trainer 

    Depends on the amount of drills and or type of day the student wants to have can vary due to bullet prices

    I started teaching after the military just wanted to help the community 

    Never held a gun all the way to law enforcement and military 

    Services offered

    Gun Safety