Bondy Skills Academy
Hey everyone! I wanted to come on and introduce myself, My name is Niels Lupey. I was born in Paris, France and moved to the Raleigh area at quite a young age. I first fell in love with soccer when I watched a Barcelona game with my dad and uncle. This sparked a fire in me that I wanted to become a professional footballer and have it for the rest of my life. I have devoted my life on training, focusing on my health to have a top performance. I currently play semi professional fútbol for DE Deacon FC based in Raleigh. In my past I played for the Wake FC MLS Next team, many other club teams in the Raleigh area. I also have some experience with playing in Europe.
Soccer has always been a profound passion of mine, and I am dedicated to imparting this passion to the younger generation, aiding them in their pursuit of excellence in the sport. Through my training program, I am committed to inspiring and equipping aspiring soccer players to surpass their perceived limits and achieve new levels of success.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you. I'm eager to learn about your individual goals and aspirations, and to understand more about each one of you.
Athlete's age
Years experience
Photos and videos