Onstage School Of Performing Arts
I am happy yourself or your child is interested in music lessons! There are so many ways in which music enriches our lives. Our philosophy is that no matter the age of the student, having fun is the number one component to reaching your musical goals. All of our instructors strive to maintain a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the lessons.
We are conveniently located in Ballantyne right off of 485 and Rea Road. At Onstage, our instructors have many years of experience teaching and performing. Most of our instructors have earned music degrees and if not, they have demonstrated a high level of proficiency on their instrument and performed regularly. If you have specific preferences as to which kind of teacher you would like, just let us know as we have multiple instructors for most instruments and voice.
For a limited time, we are offering a price of $25 a lesson for the first 4 lessons and waiving the registration fee. Payment is monthly and you may cancel at anytime with two weeks notice for us to readjust our schedules. If you aren't sure about taking lessons at Onstage, we offer a free evaluation during which we show you the facility and walk you through what a typical lesson is like (this takes about 10-15 minutes). We also offer a full trial lesson for $35 (30 minutes).
We would love the opportunity to work with you or your child! If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact us at 704-246-8160 or email: [email protected]
Thank you,
Chris and Hannah George
Executive Directors
OnStage School of Performing Arts, Inc.