Creative Life Coaching
Teaching Artistic Vision and skills for over thirty years. An approach that builds on a students present level be it begginner or experienced. Lessons meet your present level for positive successful goal setting while building self esteem and confidence required to develop your artistic skills.
You don't even need to leave your home. From your cell phone or computer we can use skype or Zoom for status checks betrween lessons.
Together we will review and discuss how to advance your work , be it abstract, non-objective, realism , landscape, fantasy, life study, or plien air paintinig.
Reminder, we offer one to one instruction in drawing, painting (oils, watercolor, acrilic ) critiqueing and coaching. The method helps you to "see " the way artists do to help you improve your inner and outer work.
Professional art teacher for over 35 years.
BS degree in art Education, Masters degree in Fine Arts
Exhibited work; CSR Gallery, SUNY Albany Gallery , Schenectady Museum, Albany institute of Art and History, Union College Library, and many other sites.
Graduate of CTI coaches training institute
Web site http://www.fineartcreativecoaching.com
Drawing is similar to meditation in many ways. There are techniques when practiced can get you more in touch with the right side (the spacial side) of your brain. Your powers of perception will develop to improve your drawing weather you want to learn to make realistic drawings or painings or learn how to abstract from reaity to create abstract or non objective works.
Spacial concepts and ideas to make good compositions in drawing or painting are introduced as lessons and learning continue. Be it realism or abstract there are basic rules to making good compositional structures in your work. Some of these are based on the golden section and have been used for hundreds of years as well as today. Ariel perspective and one to three point perspective is introduced as the learner may request.
References to art historical ideas are introduced as appropriate.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Discuss intention the student has for the art learning.
Create lessons based on learners interest and implement in a manner that fosters confidence and builds self esteem.
Begin instruction on how to see as artists to foster quick skills and success to draw objects. Present contour, gesture drawing to practice eye hand coordination and learning to draw or paint with a free loose manner.
Present lessons for rendering with various drawing or painting tools. Kinds of shading techniques are introduced for drawing styles such as pen and ink, pencils, pastels.
Color mixing and theory is explained and application techniques are introduced for watercolor acrilic or oils is introduced as needed ongoing.
Historical art references are brought up when appropriate.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
BS Degree from CSR in Art Education to teach artistic vision K - 12 NYS Certified (Teaching Certificale)
Master of Arts Degree in fine arts from SUNY Albany.
CTI graduate in Life Coaching ( past 16 years).
1981 - 2005 ART Teacher IV State of NY , DOCS
Post Graduate coursework , Masters level in Psychology from Russel Sage College.