Justin Valenzuela
Hi everyone my name is Justin Valenzuela I am a volleyball and basketball instructor. My teachings focus on students development and performance. All while understanding that sports is about fun, hard work, and effort NOT WINNING AND LOSING. I have also developed a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset with in my students, with hard work anything is achievable. I have worked in the MSAL(Middle School Athletic League) for 7 years now and have brought my teams to the the semifinals or further every years out of those 7 years 50% of my students make their high school varsity teams, and a very small percent have committed to D1 colleges such as Penn State and Columbia to pursue their sports career. I am enthusiastic, energetic, strategic, and specific on the small details that can make big differences. So if you want to see results at a high level then I am the man for you! Thank you and hope to work with you soon.