I have taught all the brass instruments: trumpet trombone, French horn, euphonium, and tuba, privately for 45 years, to thousands of players of all ages. I played professionally in top Las Vegas show orchestras, toured with Elvis Presley and Stan Kenton, and backed many big stars.
I studied under the world's best brass teachers, and I am passing on the most the effective, time-tested brass playing techniques.
Student's age
Able to read music
Years experience
Instrument style
Musical styles
Photos and videos

robert B.
quiche R.
areli O.
Lianne S.
Charlotte S.
Vicki K.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Each lesson is tailored to fit your ability level and musical goals. There is no “one size fits all.” All ability levels and ages are welcome, from beginner to pro. Bruce has many adult students who are “come-back” players. Classical, jazz, swing, rock, pop, gospel styles are taught.
Bruce is dedicated to learning about your personal musical goals and helping you to achieve them.
On your very first lesson Bruce will identify what you are doing wrong and begin to remedy these issues. He will help you to clear all the physical and mental roadblocks that are holding you back.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Bruce Haag has had an extensive career as a trumpet player and brass teacher. He draws upon years of experience with Stan Kenton, Elvis Presley, top Las Vegas show orchestras, and orchestras in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Bruce is a Claude Gordon Certified Brass Teacher. Bruce knew Claude for 25 years and actively studied with him for 15 years. Mr. Gordon is considered by many professionals to be the world’s foremost brass authority and pedagogue. In his later years, when teaching became difficult for him, Mr. Gordon would personally refer many students directly to Bruce. Claude and Bruce taught from the same studio in Saratoga, California for many years.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
$35.00 per 30 minute private lesson held once a week. $140.00 per month. Recommended for beginner to intermediate level students.
$70.00 per 60 minute private lesson held every other week. $140.00 per month Recommended for intermediate to advanced level students.
Payments are made monthly and can be made by check, cash, or online banking.
How did you get started teaching?
Bruce began private teaching back in high school when fellow brass players began asking for his help. Bruce's study with world famous player and teacher Claude Gordon also began at this time, and to date Bruce has shared Mr. Gordon's wonderful Systematic Approach with over 2000 brass students from all over the world.
What types of students have you worked with?
Bruce has worked with students at all levels, from those with no experience whatsoever to students at the professional level.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
One of Bruce's students recently performed the very difficult Arban's Carnival of Venice cornet solo at an Ohio Solo and Ensemble Competition in Cincinnati. The adjudicator said that it was the most impressive performance that he had seen in his 6 years of adjudicating at these events!
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
The most important part of selecting a teacher is to find someone who teaches correctly! There are many who call themselves "teachers" but do not understand the essential elements of teaching correctly. This can be verified by reading reviews and endorsements from recognized players and professionals. One may read endorsements regarding Bruce's teaching here: https://brucehaag.com/endorsements/ and also here at Lessons.com
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
A student should be commited to practicing and staying with it until his playing abilities develop. With a brass instrument, these abilities do not come overnight.
It is helpful if a student has some idea of his personal musical goals and his level of commitment. The student should know beforehand how much time he can commit to his daily practice.