Personal touch . I served in the USMC honorablely discharged. I have 4 awards expert with firearms . 12 years Aikido training in Japan, certified at NASA special security training certificate. I teach basic rifle, basic pistol, and unarmed self defense
Helping people over come fears and building confidence!!
Student age(s)
Number of students
Any previous experience
Type of training
Type of firearm
Reason for training
Own a firearm
Photos and videos
Brian K.
Steve M.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
First step is meeting in person and find out the mental state and physical state of the student to be trained. Going through basic safety procedures, Making sure they understand the range rules and can comply. Teach them how to load there own weapon safely and unload. Depending on what type of weapon they are using run a few dry fire drills with no ammo watching there grip, body postion, and stance. From there live fire and watching there reaction to recoil and making adjustments and they get more comfortable with themselves and there weapon.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
USMC, Special Security agent training at NASA, 12 years Marital Arts training In Japan
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
25 a hour for 1 student, Group rates may vary depending on size of group and how long they will train.
How did you get started teaching?
I naturally fell into teaching , I was a athlete most of my life from elementry thru High School. From there went to the Marine Corp, then into Aikido. I always have shot firearms since a child starting with BB then pelet guns . I started emporting optics from Japan and teaching long range shooting, quickly finding out most people didn't know how to sight in a scope correctly. Found I had a natural knack for it!
What types of students have you worked with?
Mostly beginners, Women and families, wanting to learn the basics and safety of firearms and from all ethnicties.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Recenty I taught a family of 4 Mother , daughter, Father and cousin. 2 of which had never fired a weapon before. By the end of the day they had gotten comfortable with the training and purchased a firearm that day from the range we were at. Since then they have continued training.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Find someone you are comfortable to be with, stay focused and follow there instructions. If you haven't already purchased a firearm try several first and start with a small caliber . Ladies I recommend 22LR to start with low recoil and great to practice with.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
Gun caliber and fit . Bigger is not always better . Try several different weapons before purchasing one . If you have small children where can you keep the weapon at safe and out of reach.