Tim Jackson Arts

Tim Jackson Arts

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Offers online services


With 25+ years working in the field of illustration, my expertise in drawing will help anyone on many levels. Not only do I work as an artist, but I teach lessons in drawing and illustrations as well. True drawing skill is easy to master with the right guidance and understanding in drawing. I can help you grow your understanding and vision to excel at drawing and illustration.

What I like most about Illustration and Drawing is seeing a blank canvas becoming a stage where beautiful Art is created.


1 employee
28 years in business
Serves Nashville , TN
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Square, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Stripe, Zelle

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Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Painting type

I can make recommendations, Acrylics, Oil, Watercolor

Painting medium

I can make recommendations, Traditional canvas or paper, Wall or mural art, Face or body painting, Watercolor art, Pottery

Number of students

One person, Two people, A group of 3 – 5 people, A group of 6 – 10+ people

Student age(s)

Under 5 years old, 5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Photos and videos

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    Frequently asked questions

    My Process is: See (Vision), Learn, Draw

    Vision Stage: The begiinning stage for a new student begins with learning about their skills and vision. The student will learn to understand "Artist Vision" which is one of the key skills to develop new artists. The student will learn to see their environment like an Artist should. This ability will help them develop then master their talents more quickly. 

    Learn Stage: Students will learn the basic techniques and skills of drawing during this stage. Basic understanding of form, shape, foreground/background, shading/light, Value/Tone will be taught to student. These basics will be applied to the first stage.

    Draw Stage: This is the maturation stage for a new artist. During this stage the student will learn the creative process for a work of art. The student will learn how to choose a subject, create a layout, and build a drawing to a complete work of Art. 

    I studied Illustration/Drawing at Nossi College of Art in Madison Tn. I acheived my Associate degree in Graphic Design with a focus in Illustration.

    My experience in drawing and illustration is diverse. I have worked on many fine art portraits, book illustrations, character designs, storyboads for commercial use, sports illustration, and many other commissions for work. I have experience teaching one-on-one lessons or classroom lessons in drawing. 

    Rates range from $50 per hour, plus an additional $35 and hour for each additional student. 

    $50 per lesson hour. (3 Lesson Minimum) 5 lessons per student. 

    $200 for upront purchase for ALL 5 lessons per student.

    $100 Weekly Instruction for private ongoin lessons 3-4hr session. 4 weeks up front. 

    Contact me directly at [email protected] 

    My love for Art and my long years of creating art for clients has brought me to the teaching side. This gives me the opportunity to pass my craft to future generations. 

    I have worked with students of all ages and skill level. 

    Delivering each portrait to clients always makes me happy and proud of my work. Seeing the joy of others who love art is wonderful. 

    Observe an Artist's work...and ask yourself...is the Artist someone you can say is really good at their craft. Will you be happy to learn from that Artist. 

    A student should always understand the difference in talking about drawing from teaching drawing. A teacher has to be able to help another artist understand the process and logistics of learning to draw. Developing vision and skill basics are vital to becoming a good Artist. 

    So ask the teacher...is teaching a skill of theirs as well as art/drawing. 

    Services offered
