I am a Skill Development trainer in the city of Houston commited to advance any level of basketball from 5 yr olds to Pros. I help players transition from College to Pro through NBA/G-League/International connections. I am really BIG on attention to detail, consistency, and work ethic. These are 3 key factors in the success and advancement of anyone's expertise in their craft, in which case, Basketball is my craft.
Hunger and self-driven are HUGE qualities one must have to train and play basketball at a high level.
Motivation is good and it can take you a long way, but to be self-driven & have something drive you, is deeper than motivation. You have to Live, Breath, Eat & Sleep Basketball.
I aim, that through training, you gain a lot more than just basketball skills, you will gain life lessons, become detail oriented, teach yourself to be mentally strong, push yourself past limits, Learn Muscle memory and apply science/physics to sport and athletics, be disciplined & grow patience. Lastly, as a trainee, you will develope a work ethic that you can translate to anything you do in life to be successful and reach your goals
Athlete's age
Years experience
Skills to improve
Photos and videos