Website: kaseyjones.net
FB:kasey Jones Art Amusements
FB: profile: kasey jones parker
email [email protected]
MFA degree studio art PRATT institute, Brooklyn, NY.
UNC, chapel Hill, BA Theater,
owner theater company, acting, directing, stage design, play writing, improv, producer.
17 Advanced Placement art teacher 2-D 3-D years public high school and jr high art all levels mediums.
top 5 art teachers in state of Texas
Mixed media artist:neon, glass, painting, oil acrylic, guasch watercolor, ceramics, darkroom film photography, digital photography, alternative, experimental process’, drawing, illustration, fashion design, interior design, stained glass
Born in Dallas, TX in 1966, Kasey graduated from Lake Highlands High School where she lettered in five varsity sports. She played for the Sting soccer club from 1978 to 1985, winning four U-19 National Championships, including the Woman’s World Soccer Championship in Xian, China in 1984. The first Women's World Cup where she was named MVP most valuable player and World Champion.
Kasey holds a MFA Visual Arts from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY and a BA Department of Dramatic Art from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she attended on a full woman’s athletic scholarship winning two NCAA National titles.
Kasey’s first encounter with art occurred when, at the age of three, her mother enrolled her in art classes at Southern Methodist University. Later that same year she entered two of the works in the Texas State Art Fair, where she won co-first prize with a ninety three years old grandmother.
When asked why she chose art as a career, she had this to say: “In the obsession of the creative act itself, one is relatively warm and safe. Memory comes, not as a cloudy distraction, but as an enveloping otherness. In the dark, vague hallway to everywhere, we find the source of our pain, the causes of separations and the reasons for reconstruction. It is because of this need to reconnect that I make art.”
Be drunken with poetry, virtue and wine!
I laugh all day at the absurdity of things....
After high school, moved away from Dallas as fast as possible. College ollege started at Univ. of N. Carolina on a full soccer scholarship, then moved to do my MFA at PRATT Institute in NYC, On a 3 girl's trip to France, "struck by lightening" and fell in instant love with a Frenchman from Normandie, 6 months later we married ...Finishing graduate school, we moved to Dallas we had two boys together and he unfortunately passed away when the children were both almost two and 3 leaving me a widow and single mother, having only 7 years together. I dislike living in Dallas, it's not my type of city or environment at all. I have continued traveling all over the world with my boys every summer... When they were younger and in school. I decided they needed stability, so I continued to live here. The boys have now graduated from high school and are both attending different colleges. I am busy with work, I have been teaching AP studio Art and photography (all mediums/classes- levels) at a public high school for the last 17 years and coaching school and club soccer teams. I remarried some years later and my husband and I are the developers of two facebook games and change our "hats" when we come home from our "real life" careers", My husband turns into the data, coding and algorithms/ his side of the game development and my side of the game development/ everything else, images, layout, concept, humor, every item, pop culture reference....i do the creative side, he does the programming.... and I coach soccer teams, and play on two different soccer teams, indoor and outdoor. Plus...IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?
The boys have now graduated from high school and are both attending different collees...... I am truly occupied with bagging leaves, mowing the lawn, hanging doors, tiling the floor, picking up dog poop, doing the laundry, making dinner, cleaning, standing on my head while singing Edith Piaf songs (all in French), giving every opportunity in my spare time to make sure that I am spending quality time with the kids (i.e. reading books, painting, hugging, giving hair cuts, fixing and kissing boo boos). ....and having an adjusted and positive attitude while I am doing all this with my eight arms that have morphed onto my body out of pure necessity, while answering 327 times a day "why we are doing school work in school" to a plethora of 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds who obviously know everything all ready.....and look well rested, caring, with polished nails, and not forgetting to smile.....oh, and I am doing all this with Baudelaire, Bukowski, Rimbaud, , Dostoevsky, Aristotle, Jim Carroll, Brecht, JG.Ballard, and all the other "small people" who entertain my twisted mind. In between my rule of plutocracy and being on the cover of swimsuit issues, I meagerly find time to paint and print b/w photo’s. I've tried to invent new flowers, new stars, new flesh, new tongues, but decided to throw it all away, along with any silence, and be a mere , although exotic, worker bee human person thing. All creatures have a fatality for happiness. Even my pregnant dog! (WHICH, adds another thing to fit in, stay up all night and help the Moxie dog have her pups, and if one is a runt, nurse it all night with a bottle, or my own nipple, because I could bring on sympathetic dropping of milk....) I LOVE MY LIFE!!! Really, I do.
Agnes B.
Kristen V.
Susan H.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Teaches students: Ages 5+ and special needs
Teaching since:January 1990
Hello, my name is Kasey. I am excited when I learn of new potential artists. My skills are well rounded and focused. I can teach you in many media applications and art forms. I am able to teach from basic drawing techniques to full Portrait art, Film & Digital Portrait / Fashion Photography and Image Retouching/ Manipulation. My forte' are Drawings, Acrylic Paintings, Charcoal Drawings, Photography and Digital image manipulation. I have been published in Art and Fashion magazines for my art. My goal is to teach you how to see the world around us as a canvas and cull your visions from it and recreate it to your desires. My goal is to have you gain a deep understanding of yourself as an artist and how to translate that onto/into your media of choice.
A life long student of Photography myself, I have made my living as a professional educator, artist and Photographer for nearly 30 years. In addition to Shooting I have been teaching and helping others hone their craft for the past 20 years.
Many people want instant results but photography is a process. Despite the experience level of the photographer my goal is teach something new. Be it a concept or technique at the end of the session you will be one step closer to your goals.
The session doesn't end at the end of the hour. I provide e-mail support for questions pertaining to the discussed subject matter. I do assign homework and or conduct practical lessons so I also provide feedback and critique for photographs.
I use Lightroom and Photoshop for post processing and I am able to provide instruction on these tools as well.
Bring your passion lets get started today. My hours are flexible