Iron Dog Mixed Martial Arts

Iron Dog Mixed Martial Arts

5.0(1 review)


We provide customized martial arts classes and seminars tailored to the specific needs of our clients and the groups they represent. I have over 30 years experience instructing young children, teens, young adults, families, professionals and executives, law enforcement, private security, and military groups. My work in mixed martial arts includes instruction in Muay Thai kickboxing western boxing, as well as many years of training as a sparring coach.

My career includes work as a licensed law enforcement instructor for the state of Texas, level 4personal protection trainer for Texas DPS,and military instructor for security forces and special skills operators.

we can teach in a single seminar type of format, multi tiered progression classes, for short or specific terms of time, or ongoing scheduled classes.

Our classes and seminars are conducted at the location decided by our clients.. home study or at the workplace, gyms and community centers , banquet halls and warehouses, to parks or most open areas, we can deliver our services just about anywhere with adequate room for the entire group we are teachings.


2 employees
31 years in business
Serves San Antonio , TX


0 reviews


Brandon H.

Super awesome training and system!
... Show more
September 17, 2018

Frequently asked questions

I initially introduce some basic skills and help a student decide what direction they want their training to go. For some, physical conditioning is their primary interest. For others, it is personal protection or a dedicated emphasis on becoming an MMA competition fighter. There are also people simply interested in the discipline of learning a particular martial arts system. This is determined first , so I can better formulate a tailored course of study.

I have a university bachelors degree in criminal sociology. I studied Kenpo Karate for over 10 years and received my black belt in 1991. (And have continued study in Kenpo through the rank of 4th degree Black belt in the Parker system of Kenpo. I have instructor level credentials under Sifu Gary Swan in modern pistol and shotgun combat through advanced levels (G.Swan trained directly under Col.Jeff Cooper, founder of the world acclaimed “Gunsight” in Az, USA). I also trained to instructor levels directly under Leo Gaje, jr. in Pekiti Tirsia Kali with certifications in law enforcement and military combat applications. I am a licensed police instructor in defensive tactics with the Texas DPS. I have instructor credentials under H.Hockheims military and law enforcement programs in stick, knife, pistol, and empty hand tactics. My training has also included ranked study to brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Marco Delima/ Markus Maximus Arelio. My studies have also included Muay Thai kickboxing, wing chin, Hung Gar, Silat, and a variety of other systems throughout my life. I also owned a martial arts academy that created amateur and professional MMA teams that competed throughout Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, and Hawaii. I served as an active sparring partner/coach and corner man  for dozens of MMA fighters. 

Services offered

Mixed Martial Arts
Test Prep