We offer group piano classes and music theory classes. Our students participate in the piano assessments and music theory examaniations conducted by the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM)--one of the world's largest and best recognized music educational institutes.
Our student, Lakshmi Hari, won the 2020-2021 RCM Gold Medal by obtaining the highest mark in the United States on her Level 1 Piano Certification Exam.
Many other students had won State Certificates of Excellence by obtaining the highest marks on their assessments in the states of Maryland and Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Our students love their piano and music theory classes. They eagerly participate in all the class activities--learning, performing, and composing.
Our PIANO CLASSES are for children ages 5-12.
Our MUSIC THEORY CLASSES are for children ages 8 and above --this class is beneficial to musicians of all instruments.