Deepti Agrawal Mittal an artist and designer of Indian origin specializes in Madhubani Painting. She has been into learning, teaching and exhibiting this art form since 1992 and has been recognized as a versatile artist who is uniquely experimental in her approach.
An MBA Finance Gold Medalist and a corporate professional, Deepti couldn’t let her passion for art lay dormant for long. She jumped to embrace it as a full-time profession at the first given opportunity. She has been recognized as one of the Key Artists by Norris Cotton Cancer Center, NH under "Healing with Art" Program and was on the jury for almost 2 years before moving to Seattle.
Deepti Designs, her signature label is a means developed to fuel the passion. Other than practicing and training kids and adults, she holds various social outreach programs under the banner and has been actively involved in raising funds for various recognized non-profit organizations.
Website : www.deeptidesigns.com