JD CORDLÉ Of. Jdcordle@danavmusic.com


Hello my name is jd cordlé I am a professional guitar player that can teach everything from basic chords and scales in blues and folk to advanced slide guitar techniques specializing in blues and folk.

I love being a professional musician and playing music to me is peace in my soul. I can be found at crowsongtrio.com


1 employee
27 years in business
Serves Brighton , CO

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Jessica S.

    While I have not pursued the arts as a career, I believe that DVM and other music/theatre training throughout my high school years gave me the skills and discipline needed to be successful in the careers and hobbies that I pursue. Dana was also more than a voice teacher to me; she often served as a mentor and friend in a supportive, knowledgeable environment. I am so proud to see DVM grow from a little corner room at The Dairy to what it is today!
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021


    Jessie S.

    Dana V has such a loving and supportive family of instructors and students! I really miss everyone from the studio.
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021


    Justin S.

    Dana V allowed me to explore my interest in music and theater. All the instructors have an amazing guiding hand which encourages every student to become their own artist. With their help, I was able to transition into the college process unafraid.
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021


    Mason S.

    Although I am not pursuing a career in music, my time with DVM was an incredible way to learn about something I love as well as about myself. Going every week to voice lessons was always so exciting and I am so grateful for Katie and Dana for what they’ve brought to the Louisville community!
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021


    Michelle S.

    Dana and Katie were two of the most influential teacher figures in my high school years. Being a young person is difficult as it is, but being a young person who wants to pursue performing arts professionally is even harder. Not only do Dana and Katie provide amazing and non-judgemental lessons, classes, and other resources at their studio, their warmth, kindness, and constant encouragement gave me the support I needed (and often struggled to find) to get into such a great collegiate theatre program. Dana and Katie are like artistic superheroes who truly go above and beyond for the sake of their students!
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021


    Tanner S.

    I have always loved Dana V Music particularly the Bring It To Broadway series. It’s incredible that Dana is able to consistently bring in Broadway veterans to help out young artists. The masterclasses have been very beneficial to my growth as a performer. I can still watch the videos years later and gain something from the artist’s perspective.
    ... Show more
    October 06, 2021

    Frequently asked questions

    I always want to know what they would like to learn and if I can help them I will. 

    I have played the guitar professionally world wide for 30+ years and have played with a lot of different musicians in a lot of styles. 

     30.00 for full hour

    I started having a lot of fellow musicians asking me how I play certain things

    All types but mostly with the people that are trying to learn how to put what they want to play applied to the strings

    Teaching my 5 year old niece her first d g and c chords

    That no one knows everything so go with the person who never claims too

    What style they like to play always learn to play what you like to hear

    Services offered

    Bass Guitar