Summary of qualifications.
• I am a self taught tumbler, from small skills like cartwheels, to big skills like triple fulls, double backs, double fronts, double arabians.
• I have been a tumble instructor for about 7 years starting with Coach Wale.
• The highest that I learned to spot is double fulls and double backs. And the highest I have ever taught are doubles.
• I am a very social able person. Love to make people laugh and have a good time and make them feel safe and accepted.
Professional experience:
• I worked with girls of all ages and sizes, from 5 year Olds to recreation, to high school, to college to all star teams.
• Worked at sports and learning complex with a broad range of groups at a time.
• I have worked with, fixed up technique wise with girls with a background of martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, cheerleading, and traceurs, which means practicioner of parkour/freerunning.
Work experience.
My boss and I are actually independent contracters. We work mostly out of sports and learning complex in Largo. But we go from school to school, and gym to gym when we get called in.
I am certified with PGCPS to work out of and at any Public school in the P.G county area. When I was working for Coach Patti at Sports and learning, I was USAG certified, but I am not sure if that has an experation date. If so, that certification maybe expired.
Teaching styles:
I am a hands on type of Coach because I feel like that is the best way for anyone to learn this skills without havinf them rely or depend on other things too much to do it on their own. Strict but fair while at the same time teaching valueable life lessons to any and all ages. Won't accept failure as an option when there are other people doing what you too are capable of doing.
The ability to teach life lessons to the people I work with that effect them inside and outside the gym. And the excitement thet get for doing something they thought they weren't able to do!!
Student's age
Experience level
Type(s) of gymnastics
No reviews (yet)
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I introduce myself, start with stretches, then have them go over the basics to tumbling all the way to their highest skill that they can safely perform by themselves as a warm up. After that, I ask them what they are working on, and what is wrong with their current skill. Then after spotting and assessing their issue, I give them drills that focus on the issue to get rid of it. And after doing it a few times, I respot them to see if it's fixed. Then I give them less and less of a spot until they don't need me anymore.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am ceetified with USAG as a tumble instructor and certified with PGCPS to work out of and at all prince georges schools from elementary up to college level
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
So, here are the rates we do:
30$ for half hour
45$ for an hour
60$ for an hour in a half.
We do this thing called pro-rated, where if someone gets a shared lesson, it becomes cheaper for those two. For example, if one were to share a private lesson for 1 hour. Instead of it being 45$ person, it would be 40$ per person. 3 people = 35$ person. 4 people = 30$. We are unable to do more than 5 at a time or it would be considered a class.
How did you get started teaching?
I do this thing called freerunning and parkour. So, I went to a gym to learn the basics, after learning it, I kept pushing myself to do better. Then I got offered a job to teach what I love, and been doing it ever since.
What types of students have you worked with?
I have worked with girls as young as 3, and as old as in their 50's. From gymnasts, to cheerleaders, to traceurs, to break dancers.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I am fond of U.S finals for cheerleading because the best of the best go there to perform before going to worlds. The human body is amazing when they push themselves to new heights.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Hire someone who has your best interest at heart. Someone who will push you to be better, even at times that get difficult. Especially then. The coach that has you do another one if you fail because you both know that through failure comes success. That giving up is the biggest failure anyone can ever do. That believes in you believing that you can do it even when everyone else says no. Because no one has the right to te someone else what their limit is.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
They should ask themselves how badly they want the skill. What they are willing to push themselves through in order to get whatever it is that they want in life. Stronger the desire, better the drive and the less likely it is for them to stop doubting their own capabilities.