Hiii, I am Brittany Zimmerman, I grew up dancing since I was about 4 at a small studio called Judith Svalendar School of Ballet in IL and I have loved movement ever since. I danced my way through high school and was sure I wanted to continue into college. I studied Dance and Physical Therapy as an undergrad at the University of Iowa and loved every minute of it. After graduating, I found myself working at a Dr's office and I had greatly missed taking, teaching and being apart of classes and a community of movers like me whether it be weights, yoga, dance, etc. When I saw opportunity to be apart of the 200 Hr Yoga teacher training I jumped! I am now teaching at multiple studios and gyms around the Chicago area and doing privates and events as well! I am loving learning from all my yogis and cannot wait to share my movement knowledge with you! :)
A little about my experience:
Yoga for all levels and ages (200 Hr CYT from Chicago Athletic Clubs)
Dance for all styles, levels and ages including child movement
CPR certified 2020
Bachelors in Dance and Pre Physical Therapy from Univeristy of Iowa
Over 200+ hours volunteering with physical therapists at The Center for Disease and Development at Univeristy of Iowa
Continuing to learn and share the great amount of knowledge movement, yoga, dance and meditation have to offer
Photos and videos