Very professional approach teaching drills & techniques that will improve play immediately, through intense training. Eveything I have learned through my Collegiate(45 games), Professional (6 Yrs), & Coaching Career (15+yrs) will be applied with each session. I also know that through trainings you will gain an advantage over the competition! Everybody can talk about it, but come train with the best & learn not just how to do something, but add the Why with it! Complete Transformation Through Hard Work & Consistency & Maximize Your Individual Ability!! DONT BE DENIED!!
Athlete's age
Years experience
Athletes position(s)
Photos and videos

B. L.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Introduce myself and let the athlete know how excited I am to be working them, and teaching them techniques that will increase thier individual skill level from Day 1.