i am securing the process to use a weapon safely . Safety first .
Then , know the weapon and be able to use it safely .
if you want to buy a weappn , to start to use it or it you want me to bring the materials : let me know : i am cery flexible on the scheme you need to be comfortable .
i am not doing this safety , first step to use a weapon for money : only by passion and to share my skills with the safety first in mind.
Photos and videos

Kyeesha B.
Kyeesha B.
Shirleyann B.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
A la carte : if you are a beginner , not confortable with the use of a gun : no rush , no hussle : i will provide the "acclimatisation" needed to be fully secure and confortable .
i am pragmatic and practical . we will go step by step , with the top priority : Safety and security.
if you are not satisfied of the training :immediate full money back : i dont do this coaching for money : just interested by coaching the skills and the safety to use a weapon in different situations .
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have been for decades in military , officiating on several continents . Multi weapons from small weapons , hand guns , Automatic Rifles , Machine Gun to Tank Battle ( AMX 30 B2 , 507eme RCC , last active regiment of General De Gaulle Saumur Ecole de Cavalerie France).
Member of the Conseil de l Europe Inter armies in Europe and Balkans .
Military reserve for 25 years as weapons and combat instructor with Opex in differents countries .
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
i do not coach for $$ : if a student is not fully satisfied of the training :Immediate full money back with no discussion for what or why .
How did you get started teaching?
i start in october 1984 as a combat instructor in Active military , EI escadron 507 eme RCC.
What types of students have you worked with?
Trainings provided for several type of "students":
Military: Active duty soldiers , volontary training for "future soldiers" , Military Police forces of several differents units , countries and continents .
Civilians : people who want to be secure and safe using a gun or a rifle , for autodefense ,self protection, preparation and bug out situation , preppers ( combat or escape a treat in differents fields ( urban , semi urban , house , forets etc..
Also someone who want to have a better expertise and accuracy using a gun or multiple weapons .
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
First advise : you need to be confortable with your instructor and later on , with your weapon (s) .
Share with your coach before the first class what you really want to learn and what is the target you would like to reach .
We will prepare and conduct the best approach together . no time limit , no rush , no hussle
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
First question to ask :
What is my goal?
protection ? self defense ? recreation ? preping ? secure my movements? futur projection in a dangerous "theather" abroad? wanted to join the "forces"? would like to control the stress?
what is the level i would like to reach to consider a positive training? confortable level ? level of expertise ?