Live For Fitness LLC

Live For Fitness LLC



With a background in competitive swimming, I was brought up to know movement. I obtained my personal training and yoga certification to deepen my understanding of the human body and movement. I teach with a mindset of healing and staying in the present moment. I believe one must have a healthy mind to have a healthy body, and I love to challenge my students to go out of their comfort zones and seek change.

I have been practicing yoga since 2012. I initially started practicing yoga because it was another I was able to be physically active. I cared more about the physical asanas and driving myself to get "better". After time away from my mat, I came back to yoga to find peace. This time I focused on the benefits yoga gave me instead of chasing poses. I became more focused on the practice of pranayama, allowing my breath to calm my anxieties and take me to a place of peace.

I continue to practice yoga because it is a way of life for me now. I have found my practice calms me and is the best way to start my day. I love connecting my breath with my movement and flowing through a moving meditation.

Students can expect my classes to come from a place of healing and love. My flows focus on proper alignment and technique as well as connecting to the inner self.

When I'm not on my mat doing yoga or personal training, I am focusing on living yoga. I am always trying to inspire and bring hope to others. When I need some me time, I can be found half marathon training.


Serves Milwaukee , WI

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