Purple Rose Horse Training

Purple Rose Horse Training



Hi! My name is Celeste and I teach horseback riding lessons. I have over 6 years experience teaching lessons. I have an associates degree in horse training and management. I teach lessons starting at the age of 6 and up


1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Mira Loma , CA


Riding styles interested in

I can make recommendations, Western, English

Have a horse

Students who have a horse, Students who do not have a horse

Student's interests and goals

Fun and relaxation, Trail riding

Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

How often

Once a week, Multiple times a week, Recommendations available

Student's age

Under 5 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Photos and videos

  • No reviews (yet)

    Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    We would normally start with the basics, which would be learning how to halter a horse, walk the horse, walk behind it, groom it and saddle it 

    I have an associates degree in horse training and management.

    I taught lesson for years

    I barrel race 

    The trainer who was teaching me riding needed help with all her lessons so I would stay after my lesson and I would help! It was great it's taught me how to teach students. 

    I worked with just about everyone 

    Barrel racing 

    Don't be afraid to get on or around the horses. I have more than enough experience to know what horses to put you on and to know how to work with you. 

    Honestly anyone questions you can come up with I'll be happy to answer 

    Services offered

    Horseback Riding