YNGP Athletics
Hey my Name Is Coach Ru or Coach Hitman i go by Coach Hit for short. Im from Miami Fl born and raised, I played all sports from the age of 4. I played football at a collegiate level
For Mt.Sac university in California and University of south Florida in Tampa as well. I have expierence with a variety of sports such as Football, Basketball & soccer being main focus along with improving speed and agility. I am also familiar with baseball track and any sports you have in mind I am a true athelete First And a coach second which means I am going to you help you improve your game to the next level in all aspects, Coming from a coach who played on the next level and experienced training and workouts from all of the worlds best trainers all across the world. So When you do Choose Coach Hit as your Personal Trainer/Coach, You will be taking your game to the next level. Including
-Speed & Agility Drills
- 1on1 Positional training
-Strength training
- Cardio
- Core & Lateral Improvements
-Mental & Critical Thinking Improvements
- Speed trainingTests according to sport.
-Overall Nutritionist Improving in weight gain goal or Weight loss journey.
-Tips on Maintenance on the body & Extra stretches improving flexibility.