We help young athletes find their strength to endure complacency, failure, haters, and non-believers to continue playing with commitment, fierceness, and love of competition. We are here to enhance their coaches and parents teachings, NOT replace.
We’ve run a professional hockey team, coached football, basketball, soccer, baseball, track and field, and softball. We have spent three years selling video analysis equipment to help individual and team athletes develop their individual skills from MLB teams to individual dancers. And taught 5th grade and worked as a National Sales Manager for Fortune 100 company.
We have played DIV 2 1 & 2 NCAA Football, High School Varsity Baseball, Basketball and Track, and highly competitive soccer. As an adult we have competed in Triathlons and placed.
Our belief is An Athlete’s WILL is more fierce than the strategy of others. We’ve been involved in sports since my birth one of us is 52 and the other is 23 years old. We’ve worked with family and friends sons and daughters to help them love their sport while going to college and playing on scholarships in softball, basketball, football, dance, ice dancing, and baseball.