I teach horsemanship. This is not a pony riding service, and I am not looking for people only interested in going on a trail ride. I am a teacher of future horse trainers, horse healers through human understanding. It's a very rare student I'm looking for. I'm not in this for money. I have far too much knowlege and experience to sell out giving pony rides. I'm looking for the sorcerer's apprentice.
If you choose to learn horsemanship, I guarantee you will find yourself thinking this is quite possibly the most ridiculous question you ever had to answer.. So I'm just going to tell you it made me laugh!!!
Photos and videos

Mia g.
Shaneen J.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Every human is different, just as every horse is different. I meet with a potential student to read them. If I find they may possess a familiar vibe, I invite them to meet with my horses. My horses will inform me if they have been invited to learn. Then it's just a matter of showing up and being present. If the student feels called to this they will never leave here unfulfilled.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Many years working with horses, and riders. Many ribbons. I studied perelli, Marty Roberts, Clinton Anderson, Anyone who would offer advice. I had unknowingly acquired a very difficult and challenging horse and oh my goodness I tried it all, I finally stopped searching for answers from others, who's advice was only making things drift further in the wrong direction. I sat down in the field, and started listening to that crazy horse who just a few months earlier (I later found out) had been labeled unsellable at the auction, three tries on the auction block, dosed with enough ACE to tranquilize an elephant, he was rescued from the kill pen for less than $100 by a girl who had no idea he was so heavily tranquilized until he fell out of the trailer upon arrival at the barn. This horse was quickly determined to be entirely too much trouble for the young girl who had mistakenly and gloriously given him a chance at a new life, and was offered for sale. I was in the same moments searching for some shred of self and there he was right in front of me advertised in a village paper, and the moment I looked into his eyes, I knew he was meant for me. My determination was unwavering, and I set out to make this horse mine. I simply wasn't going to give up on him. It soon became clear no one else would take a chance on what turned out to be an ex bucking bronco. This beautiful sensitive hurt and angry boy was thrown away when he failed to meet the rodeo level of bucker. I was all he had, and without me he just didn't stand a chance. Oh he certainly took me through the gamet of his broken angry heart, but I refused to let him fall. The bucking, kicking, biting, dragging, pushing, back turning every time I stepped foot in his stall, his threats were frightening but all I saw was an abused sweet little boy hiding behind his fear of people, and I had to understand. My difficult beginning took three years to overcome, but when he finally realized I wasn't going to let him down, he became my greatest victory, and that horse was my loyal companion for another 21 amazing years. I have trained and retrained many many horses and riders over the last 23 years, and now I'm offering what I've learned to you if you're interested in listening. I am confident students who complete the program, will have all the tools for moving forward in any direction they wish, as well as the ability to contact me for assistance if ever needed. Now that's a fascinating prospect, don't you think?
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
No standard price, lessons are based on ability to pay, desire to learn, and how much training is needed.
How did you get started teaching?
I was called to this, I really don't have any idea why I feel the need to give this, but then again, I stumbled into this a long time ago when I needed healing from finding myself unable to have children, something that was incredibly hard to face.. This rescued me from my despair and showed me a gift I did not know I had. What else can I say! I suppose the lord had this in mind for me. I'm not very religious, but this I could not deny!!!
What types of students have you worked with?
i have worked with people and horses from all walks of life, very young, very old, handicapped, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, all I ever saw was the desire to learn and the will to succeed. I believe very strongly that it's impossible to fail if you try, you either win, or you learn.. The only failure is not to try.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
watching the lightening strike harmony between horse and rider is a piece of magic, if you ever witness such an event you will surely understand how magnificent it is. If you are that rider the moment will be forever stamped in your soul as one of the greatest experiences of your life.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Your teacher should be trying to give you their all. You should always feel amazing at the end of the day because showing up was the most important thing you did.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
The first questions that should ever be considered are; Am I willing and committed to this decision? Is my teacher dedicated to my success? And last but not least; What (beyond horsemanship) will I learn from this experience?