Our programs aspire to all levels of golfers. From beginner golfers just learning to play, to intermediate golfers motivated to improve consistency, and advanced golfers trying to master the game, the Greg Jones Golf Academy offers the right instruction and the right instructional program for every golfer.
We have been instructing golfers for over 28 years to play better golf. Our instructors are very experienced, well-trained, patient and motivated to help you improve your golf game. We offer a variety of lesson packages and lesson programs with instruction tailored to fit your needs. Whether it's individual lessons, academy groups or playing lessons, you will improve and leave with the knowledge and tools needed to continue improving.
The methodology that the Greg Jones Golf Academy has always used is "Keep It Simple" with a strong emphasis on basic fundamentals. Our simple approach revolves around two key factors- the way the ball reacts after it has left the club face and the way the club face actually made impact with the ball. It is our belief that you should clearly understand the story that the ball flight and impact are telling.
The Greg Jones Golf Academy has had many years of successful instruction utilizing our teaching philosophy. Our success with beginners to highly accomplished golfers, college players, and tour players alike can be attributed to our "Keep It Simple" philosophy.