Mindful Horsemanship, LLC

Mindful Horsemanship, LLC

5.0(1 review)


Welcome!! I teach mindful horsemanship focused on the strengths and goals of my students following a personalized curriculum. Mindfulness, which is keeping our attention in the present moment, is a necessary skill for safe and successful horsemanship. My lessons include instruction in both mindfulness and horsemanship based upon on the needs and goals of my students. For beginning students, the focus is on mindfulness as well as all aspects of safe horsemanship including riding. For more advanced students, the focus is typically on helping them enhance their existing horsemanship skills using mindfulness.

Lessons are available for beginning or advanced students with your horses or mine. I also do group classes and clinics.

I have two decades of experience in the equine industry and have been teaching mindfulness for over a decade. I am certified by the Certified Horsemanship Association as an english & western riding instructor an by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, Intl. as a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor.


Hired 2 times
1 employee
1 year in business
Serves Millcreek , UT

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check

Social media


Riding styles interested in

I can make recommendations, Western, English

Have a horse

Students who have a horse, Students who do not have a horse

Student's interests and goals

Fun and relaxation, Trail riding, Show jumping, Dressage, Cutting, Reining

Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

How often

Once a week, Multiple times a week, Recommendations available

Student's age

19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old


0 reviews


jennifer C.

Bill Marchand, the owner and instructor of Mindfulness Horsemanship, LLC, is a true mindfulness and horsemanship expert. He has extensive experience in clinical application, teaching, and research in both these areas. As he teaches, he embodies the principles of mindfulness in how he offers instruction and presence in leadership. He creates a nonjudgmental environment to learn and grow in. His ability to communicate technically precise information with ease is masterful.
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December 30, 2023

Services offered

Horseback Riding