Maria Español
I offer, quality,responsabilty and practicality in my services.This is backed by my update and experiencie that I have.
I strive to meet the needs of my students,so I adapt my classes to your suggestions
My classes are easy,practical and enjoyables.
Welcome to learn Spanish with me
I like to motivate and observe that my students reach their daily goal of learning spanish.
I have worked for a long time ( 32 years)with children,teenagers and adults in Sapanish languaje area and I have enjoyed thus teaching service.
The creativity and joy are elements that are present in my classes in a natural way
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
My.classes start with free time,about 15 minutes or a little more, to break the ice,presentation,listen to the needs of my students,give answers to their questions.
Once I have this info.rmation,I propose what we can do,that's depends on the students preferred communication channe, sometimes they are auditory,other visual or kinestetic.This knowledge facitates the entry of inforrmation.Then ,I start the teaching session-learning
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am a Lic.in Education.Mencion: Learning Dufficulties.I have worked with children,adolescents and adults,for 32 years in both public and private places.
I also have a specialization in Transaccional Analysis in education,within complements my work.
I have also directed support groups in Self -knowledge and Self Esteem and School for parents,giving them tools to develop their skills and solve problems.
I was coordinator of the work team at the Cesame Institute( Vzla)
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
The price per class of 60 minutes,is 20 $,which will be paid in cash at the beginning of each class.
I give them 15 minuts free to answer q or any other suggestions
The absence of class is not charger,when done in advance( previous day(,otherwise it has a 50% surcharge.