Candace Mercomes Tennis

Candace Mercomes Tennis



You can have simple goals or ambitious designs for tennis. My intention is to help you reach those goals and love tennis as a lifetime sport. Do you find yourself always hitting the ball out or, struggling to get it over the net? Do yo feel like you spend more time picking up balls than actually hitting, playing and enjoying the rhythm of a rally? Is there one court skill you cannot seem to improve or master? Have you been away from the sport a long time and need a refresher? There are common mistakes all new and experienced players make that have easy corrections, technique and development, with frequent and regular, repetitive practice.

Enhance your play and understanding of the healthiest sport on the planet when you step on the tennis court with me, Coach Candice.

I want to know from you:

Why tennis?

Whether you have never held a racquet or, have logged many hours chasing the fuzzy, yellow ball, I teach tennis to all levels of play for any age and any body. Tennis will not only give you physical exercise as a full-body sport, it will exercise and strengthen your mind with increased decision making sills and confidence.

What you want to know:

Why choose me?

I like to insure a safe and supportive environment with encouragement and clear instruction for development on the court, emotionally, mentally and physically. I consider the whole person and meet you where you are as a lifetime or new athlete. Tennis can give you a unique set of special awareness skills for your body and mind to adapt to any situation. Furthermore, I believe tennis evolves you as a critically thinking and compassionate person with core life skills.

What makes me unique is I am a traumatic injury bike vs. car accident survivor and, I am confident tennis is part of what saved me in that incident and assisted with the long healing period. If you are adapting your play to a recent or old injury, I can identify with you and know how to help you adjust, regain confidence in your body and continue to enjoy tennis for as long as you like.

My emphasis is on the fun and fitness of tennis, along with successfully learning proper stroke production and improving existing skills. I believe that even novices arrive with some basic and applicable skills for tennis. Beginning players can expect the basics of control, consistency and learning movement, while intermediate to advanced players can look forward to higher performance building on placement, spin, speed, power, shot selection, and increased tennis IQ. As a movement, agility & conditioning specialist, I also work with high performance athlete-competitors to refine in-game play point construction, footwork, reaction and recovery by implementing clinic-style drills for endurance, stamina and resilience.

I have over 22 years experience as a coach across the Bay Area with camps, city recreation departments, private/group lessons and played tennis since age 6. I have played around the world on grass, red clay, Har-tru clay, indoor carpet and hard-courts. Tennis is truly my happy place on any surface, with an opponent, partner or wall. I have experience with adaptive (paraplegic & MS afflicted) students, neurodivergent and ages 3-70+

Movement, technique, conditioning, footwork, hand-eye coordination work, gameplay, rules, scoring, strategy and mental fitness are among coaching addressed. I am also a Cardio-Tennis specialist.

Meet me on the court!

Coach Candice Mercomes Jacobs


1 employee
22 years in business
Serves Oakland , CA

Payment methods

Cash, Venmo, Apple Pay, Zelle


Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Student age(s)

Under 5 years old, 5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Photos and videos

  • Tennis fun!
  • Zen Tennis
  • learning forehand
  • Contact point
  • My wall workout
  • My wall workout

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