Romi Dance Theater
Romina Musach was born in Argentina. Her grandparents were Arab, Italian & Spain. At an early age she began studying dance with Jazz, Tap, Ballet and Spanish Dance with Professor Mabel Testone and then Gloria Lopez. Then her love for dance also turned towards the Bellydance. Her first teacher was Paola Falak. After high school, she continued her studies and entered the IUNA today is UNA. In this University, she graduated in Bachelor in Dance Choreographic Composition. She was also graduated as a teacher and dancer at the Higher Institute of the Beduina Sarat. Simultaneously she graduated from the Foundation Julio Bocca, Musical Comedy career, by Ricky Pashkus. she also studied at the Arabian Dance School of Amir Thaleb where she belonged to the Ballet of Camara.
She was performing for many noted celebrities, shows, restaurants, films & videos: Daddy Yankee, Jadiel, Laura Fidalgo, Canal 9, Donald, Matos, Cesar Pueyrredón, Carnaval Guayleguaychu, Fairuz, Al Shark, Club Sirio Libanes... and many more.
She is multifaceted dancer, performer, Theacher & Choreoghapher. She has her own school of Dance in Argentina for more tan 10 years, with shows all the years in distingued theatres.
Now, She is in United States working in different companies: Fusion Gitana, Antiheroes Project, And Ballet Of Virginia Bellydance ‘Wa Nour Al Ayun’. Also she works in TV ( Telemundo, Mega TV) and others famous Teathers. She is performing in the most famous Florida restaurants