T. E Theatrical Teachings

T. E Theatrical Teachings

Offers online services
Offers online services


This is an actor’s approach to performance. We start with the text and expand from there into the music and dance. I have been working with students of all levels (Grade School-Undergraduate) since 2014. I have my BFA in Music Theatre performance


1 employee
10 years in business
Serves Lombard , IL
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

I will start with some baseline perforamnce review. You will perform a prepared monolouge, song, and/or both and we will have a discussion on what areas of theatre/perforamnce you would like to grown in. 

I have my B.F.A. in Musical Theatre from Viterbo University. While in undergraduate, I was Director of Square WHeel Improv, whihc encompased three distinct teams, including short-form, long-form, and anything-goes. I was also a tutor for thatre classes inclduing Acting I, Acting II, Music Theater Labratory, Jazz I, Acting for Singers, and Music Theatre Scene Study. I have directed several children's theatre productions as well as professional plays, and studnet led musical works

Pricing is flexible based on budget. I charge $10 for the first consulation (Monolonuge/Song work). After that, the price is $25 per session with and additional $5 fee for providing material to you. Group rates can be worked out on a case by cse basis.

I started in college as tutor to the underclassmen as early as my sophomore year. Even be fore college, I was told I had a directorial eye, and even to stop directing on stage. I have had a passion for theatre and feel the need to share my knowledge wiht tohers, so that they in turn may share it again.

I have worked wiht children as young a 6 to adults working toward thier 2nd career.

I performed for a year in Japan with Universal Studios Japan

Find someone who shares the smae passion for our art as you. There are far too many actors in a sadly underfunded market. If you can think of anythign else you'd rather do... do that.

Find a teacher who makes you feel at ease and comfortable, but will also challenege you step outside that zone in a safe and nurturing environment

Be specific with your goals i.e work uop this audition piece, read and examine 4 plays this year ect. Tasks become easier to manage and goals achieve when you have specificty. 

Services offered
