



I try to inspire students to want to play. It’s hard to first learn , it hurts your hand and your ego πŸ˜€ perserverance, practice, and inspiration gonna win every time.


1 employee
25 years in business
Serves Island Lake , IL


Musical styles

Rock, Country, Blues, Jazz, Folk, Classical, Recommendations available

Guitar style

Acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, Recommendations available

Has instrument

Student who have a guitar, Student who don't have a guitar, but are planning to purchase one

Years experience

No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 – 2 years experience, 2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience

Able to read music

Students who can read music staff, Students who can read guitar tabs, Students who cannot read music

Lesson length

30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes

Student's age

11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Photos and videos

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    Frequently asked questions

    Determine your level of expertise , and design an appropriate lesson plan for that . I like to teach chord progressions in keys , for example if you can play E-A-B-C#m-B-A-E, you can play a bunch of songs . Playing songs makes you want to play those songs for your peeps and or yourself , it makes you fell good , and it makes you wanna play more songs 

    I’ve been playing for 30 plus years , all of that time I’ve been in a church band playing various roles , singer , drums , guitar , banjo , bass , djemba, tambourine , and percussion . I’ve given free lessons to anyone who asked at our church for some years now . Not trying to get rich , just trynna share some musicality , make some new friends , play some music 

    I don’t really know . I guess 20$ an hour would be fair for everybody . I don’t really know if the price is supposed to go up if I have to drive there . I guess the dough is really secondary , and everything can be worked out 

    Lots or peeps , and youth have expressed over the years a desire to learn . You find out real quick who’s serious and who isn’t . I find that the student who loves music , who falls in love with their instrument , who plays for three hours after homework is done these peeps really take off . Of course there are all points ( levels ) in between , and you pretty much get out what you put it in , but that’s true all I’ve r eh?

    Beginners , intermediats, those that didn’t need me , all ages ( except like 5 ), Girls,  boys , men , women ...... 

    I’m guessing your meaning musically here ?

    i was playing the drums last week for a worship service at our church , our band has been together for a long time , anyway the music was just soo good , everything was falling together and everyone was intuitively playing and meshing , it was simply wunnerful. Martin Luther , the church reformer guy , he said long ago that your more apt to walk out of a church service singing a good song than reciting the Pastors sermon πŸ˜€. He also said something like music causes you to forget hate and the sum of the two parts , lyric and melody adds up to so much more , it’s just awesome . I got tomay the harmonica in church a few months back πŸ˜€

    You gotta wanna . If your at the point of hiring someone to teach you that says some stuff . So if someone comes or you go to get a lesson , just do the stuff . Make up your mind your gonna work like the dickens to

    become a real

    musician . πŸ‘ Thinkmabout what that means to you 

    Refer to the last question . I could add , do I have the time to honor this commitment? Do I have the intestinal fortitude to practice the lessons ? Why do i want to learn to play guitar ? Is my reason or reasons good ones , or are they selfish and or self serving . 

    Services offered
