Dance Scene has been serving Metro Detroit area for over 40 years...
We offer instruction on Private and Group levels as well as Practice Dance Sessions. We make learning how to dance feel easy and fun!
On your first lesson, you’ll learn the basic elements on which all dance patterns are based. By the end of your first lesson you’ll be on your way to dancing!
Don’t put it off for another moment – start dancing today!
Benefits of Dancing:
Dancing isn’t just about the steps and music. It’s a perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Dancing enhances your life in so many ways: Health, Confidence, Self-Expression, Social, Relaxation, and Fun.
Health: When you dance, your cardiovascular system improves, your muscle tone increases and you burn calories. This low-impact aerobic activity also increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Olympic athletes often dance as part of their training to sharpen their control, agility, and speed. Dancing is great exercise, and our studios offer a pleasant, fun atmosphere in which to learn.
Confidence: Dancers possess an aura of self-confidence and an ability to enjoy themselves more in social situations. When you learn how to dance, your entire mental outlook will take on a fresh sense of creativity, motivation, and energy. This new self-confidence in your dancing abilities will transfer to other aspects of your life as well.
Self-Expression: Dance provides an emotional outlet so that you can express your feelings through your body movements with passion and flair. Dancing will bring out, improve upon, and strengthen your ability to permanently use these expressive qualities even when you are not dancing.
Social: Dancing lessons are an easy, low-pressure way to meet people. Dance Scene provides weekly practice dance parties, nights out on the town, and regional and national competitions, as well as fun trips to many different locations. Our lessons are the perfect way for couples to rediscover romance by dancing your way to love!
Relaxation: In today’s fast-paced world, we sometimes forget to take a moment for ourselves. Dancing provides an enjoyable escape from your normal daily routine, plus a chance to relax, relieve stress, and concentrate on yourself.
Fun: Dancing is a great way to add excitement to your life. Although learning to dance takes concentration and dedication, you will be constantly surrounded by artistic, cheerful people who make learning a pleasurable and rewarding experience. So join us and
How often
Student age(s)
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Goals and interests
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