Dance Arts By Regina

Dance Arts By Regina



Professional, high-quality dance instruction to inspire all students.

Focus on developmentally appropriate technique, performance opportunities, integrating with and giving back to the community.

Regina Pietraroia, director of Dance Arts, is a professional dancer and educator who has been teaching for over 15 years. She holds a Bachelor's in Education, a Master's in Arts Administration, has been a professional ballet dancer for 6 years, and has taught at students at every level, from after school programs to university classes.

I love nurturing creativity in my students - from seeing the joy of dance on the faces of little ones, to refining the technique and artistry of older dancers! I feel that teaching dance is like sharing a language with my students that they can use to express themselves...beyond that, the grace, discipline, and confidence learned in dance classes are valuable lessons that carry over to all aspects of life.


Serves North Royalton , OH

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Performing at the Tremont Arts and Culture Festival in September, 2016.

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