World Martial Arts
The curriculum of World Martial Arts is a realistic, yet fun, challenging system that is easy to follow and safe enough for the entire family. Our school focus is not only on the physical aspects of Martial Arts training but the mental, & spiritual as well. Training wise, students learn fighting concepts and stratagies from Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Boxing, Submission Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, various MMA fighting concepts and street self-defense. Mentally students learn the importance of being humble, setting goals, having self reliance, self discipline, and self respect. Spiritually students will learn honor, loyalty, the importance of family, having compassion, and perseverance. Physically WMA students have the ability to defend themselves. They walk with a power of presence making them less of a target. It is our life skills that ensure students will not become the aggressor of situations. It is the confidence gained in their own ability that will keep them calm so conflicts can be diffused peacefully.
We would love for you to enroll in our new student special. It includes a 1 on 1 lesson/ evaluation, includes either boxing or sparring gloves, your first belt and. Full month of training in our group classes for $50! See why we were voted best of Mountain View for 2019, 2020, & 2021!